Saturday, October 25, 2008

then there's sue, bev and andree seu

these girls have blogs, too. i found sue's link on ellen's blog. i found bev's blog  on sue's blog.  i found andree seu thru world magazine and a year ago in november world hired her to do daily (m-f) blogs (i think of her as my personal friend now, doncha know)....their blogs also inspired me to start catching some z's - writing the blog, not taking another blessed nap.

one time i was reading sue's blog and she had written about her kitty who had just died (not literal kitty, i just call'em all kitties and puppies no matter the age) and mine had just died too (been "put to sleep" like hers, a unique experience) and her pain was right there on her blog for me to read but i wouldna known had i not gone to her blog.....

one of the reasons i want to write is because of what the Word says about there being nothing new under the sun (ecclesiastes 1:9).  whatever i'm going through, i'm not alone.  someone's going thru it now, has been thru it before me or will go thru it after me.  that is so comforting.

and comfort reminds me of one of my fav passages from the Word, 2 corinthians 1:3-7 where paul says blessed be the God of all comfort and how we comfort others with the comfort by which we've been comforted.  sue's blog was just the comfort i needed. 

ps: i have no earthly idea how to do all these fancy hyperlinks, etc. my editor/husband is doing it for me til and if i learn.


Water for the Panting Deer said...

omigosh, omigosh ... OMIGOSH!!! I am sooooooo excited for you Hazel!!! This is awesome. I just knew you were supposed to write. This is great stuff - so candid and humble ... and well done! I subscribed to your feed. I would just la-la-love to meet with you and a laptop somewhere and show you a few techie tricks I learned the hard way. (It's the teacher in me, just can't help myself!) Of course, you're doing fantastic without me. You took the plunge. Wow. Can't contain my enthusiasm! You GO, girl!!


Water for the Panting Deer said...

Hi Hazel. It's me here, eating humble pie. I must have made you feel badly to offer to teach you techie stuff. I apologize. It wasn't meant as criticism at all. I just got beside myself with excitement, thinking of what a great job you've done, how you've taken "the plunge" and some fun enhancements you could do in your blog. I know you are fully capable of figuring out anything you want to do, if you want to, especially with your hubby to help. In fact your blog surprised me with some techie stuff that I'd never thought of ... loved the links to Bible Gateway. Hmmm that's a good idea ... Most of my ideas I've plagiarized from other blogs anyway. My latest gadget is a little map that will show what countries people have visited from. I'm kinda crazy about it ... I mean literally, the whole Web thing ... OCD playground. Anyway, it would be recreation for me to "help" but only if you wanna.

Anonymous said...

dearest cyndi,

no way! spit out that humble pie lickity split!

you did not make me feel badly AT ALL. i did not feel criticized AT ALL! get thee behind you satan! he's a hateful son of a gun, mr. accusation himself. bleck!

i cannot accept your apology because you didna hurt me! (but if it makes you feel better, okay, i accept.) be of good cheer!

Water for the Panting Deer said...

I just got this cute little automated response from z, just z ... love it!

Thank you so much! I am relieved. I only wanted to encourage you. And I think I'm under some serious attack right now, yup, the
accuser fed it to me and I swallowed it right down, gulp ... bleck!! Accuser go to the place where Jesus sends you, in His name, amen!

But the reason I'm under attack is good. I've been praying and working to promote our Web site and blog, as I feel it is my "calling." I was patiently waiting for God to work. Just yesterday discovered by serendipity that we get over 1500% -- yup that's 2 zeros -- 1500% more visitors than the average number of visits to other sites our size, and visitors stay over 2000% longer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is such a big PTL that I can hardly stand it!!!! We've had visitors from 14 different countries in the last month. Plus I think I just led a random web-developer-cool-California dude to the Lord!! My desert is truly beginning to bloom. Or, rather, I'm out on the table displaying my flowers! ;)

And I know Satan doesn't like it one bit! Thankfully, we know who wins and so does the enemy.

Thank you for your grace.
