Monday, December 1, 2008

favorite sayings and some psychobable: part one

here's another one of my handouts i thot i'd share for fun.  hope you enjoy it and find something that makes sense to you and encourages you where you are!


1. What you live with, you learn.

  What you learn, you practice.

  What you practice, you become.

2. Don’t “should” all over yourself.

3. Trust God and get going! (In contrast to “let go and let God.”) J. I. Packer

4. STRESS is what happens when your gut says “no” and your mouth says “of course, I’d be glad to.”

5. Secrets are to sickness, as openness is to wholeness.

6. You’re only as sick as your secrets.

7. There is healing in the telling of it.

8. You have to feel it to heal it.

9. The Gospel (or anything for that matter) is more caught than taught.

10. A river without boundaries is a swamp – and swamps stink.

11. Oneness is not sameness (in a marriage).

12. Self care is not selfish!

13. We come from a FOO (family of origin); we marry into a FOO (our spouse’s family of origin); we create a FOO when we have children.  And they’ll grow up and create their own FOO.  There’s no escaping FOOs!! (((Until Heaven where there’ll be no FOO!)))  FOO acrostic by friend Deborah tho since she coined it i've heard it said by others!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a file of "hazel wisdom."
(Seriously I do...I kept the notes you wrote out for me once.)

I'm going to have to add these bits of wisdom to the file!