i don't mean going green as in eco-friendly green but it could end up that way, one never knows.
yesterday for lunch i ate green guacamole in a green bowl with green chips (i kid you not. thus the idea for this blog was born.). we painted our living room in our previous home with a rich beautiful green, the color was grape leaf. as soon as we can get to it, we're going to paint the brown front door to our new-to-us home green and our master bedroom green (it's currently a very dark designer slate and i do mean d a r k).
i just realized that in our home, i have 7 - count 'em - 7 green rugs! and since this house is bigger than the last, look for more.....i have a few empty floors to fill (no carpet here and i'm so happy, no offense meant to you carpet lovers).
i was thrilled when i walked into "my" alanon room several years back and the worker bees behind the scene had painted the whole room.....light green! i don't know why green was chosen but my immediate interpretation was: green for growth, even if it's slow, faith stretching growth but there's lots that takes place in these rooms and green is an appropriate, hopeful color for those walls.
pretty soon we'll have spring greens to feast our eyes on. i don't mean the kind you eat but i can just hear my mama saying "you mean like a mess of greens we can eat? or polk sallet i can pick and fry up a mess of?" all different colors and shades of green when spring arrives. it'll be marvelous to see the beautiful changes from winter to spring, not that i mind the other seasons at all, there's purpose in each.
i have lotz of house plants that are.....green! (at least the ones that survive me and those surviving kitty viva now, she's very hard on green.) i can't live without my plants. they're like my babies. i talk to them. don't you? several didn't do well in the move. one was a tree of sorts i'd had for 17 years and i lost half of it. it's only half the green it was. another had 3 stalks before the move, now it has 1. :(
finally, behind our home we have what we like to call our very own 100 acre woods. so far they are beautifully wintry looking of course, replete with coyote noises at nite time and even daytime howls can be heard. (tangent: once our whole family was awakened in the nite as if there was a pack fighting in our living room!) we are looking forward to the green to come in those woods and since our house sits up on a hill, we'll be able to look out at those woods and be reminded of the importance of green and it'll be like a slice of green heaven to me.
there's healing in green. i just know there's got to be because the Word says our Father is our Vinedresser. the Son is the Vine. we are the branches. if we abide in Him, we shall bear much fruit but apart from Him we can do nothing. we need green. our life depends upon it. think i'm taking green a bit too far? i don't think so. look around. think again!
I like green too. it is so soothing. I like looking out on the green too.
good point. it IS soothing....and you have several 100 acres to look out on miss bubblesandmoney. any coyotes your way? xo
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