Wednesday, February 11, 2009


why is God allowing me to be sick, mama? what's He doing?

this is some version of what my favorite daughter asked the other day.  she's been sick now for about a month. the first time she was sick with bronchitis, sinus infection & pleurisy. that took a coupla visits to the doc and a few tests. the nite the tests came back "lungs clear," she began to run a fever followed on the heals by other symptoms. even her doc was discouraged and surprised at that. today is day 9 of that fever et al.....many serious tests and a coupla ER visits later and the diagnosis please? you have a virus.

the answer to my daughter was something profound like:  God knows, we don't, we'll trust Him.

isn't that what it boils down to, really? i've been a believer since i was 10 years old - thanks be to God - and now i'm 52. haven't come up with much different in lo these many years.

job (i love this man of God) said this: "shall we accept good from God and not trouble?" (job 2:10) and also this:  "tho He slay me, yet will i hope in Him." (job 13:15). amen.

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