if you want to know more, you could indicate this by making a comment (or sending me an email if you know that address) and i'll try to send you a brief "day in the life" testimony of how God worked this all out, written by the step-mother of my cousin. she's given permission to share it with anyone who needs encouragement along these lines. in fact, she shared this story in an email with a family member of her husband's who has a pastorate in mississippi and he said the timing was impeccable (isn't God great?) as he was just about to preach this past sunday on addictions because his congregation is full of people struggling with them. his plan was to read her "testimony" of what God had done within the context of his sermon!!
maybe you know someone who needs treatment but you don't believe they'd ever get it. my cousin is a 37 year old young man. it's possible that his ex-wife had implored him to get help for his drinking but all we know is that the very first time treatment was offered - even mentioned i might add - by his parents last week, he said yes, i think i have a problem! and yes! i'll go for an assessment! and to the counselor, yes! i'll go in for treatment! God answered many prayers and paved the way and he'll be admitted wednesday as we pray for a health and life changing experience. i'll also pray for his spiritual awakening because i believe that until he comes to know the Lord God as His "Higher Power" and the "God of his understanding," any treatment program is going to be of limited value. even AA says sobriety is not enough.
thanks for letting me share this good news with you today!
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