praise you Father! i love You God! My Shepherd! My Fortress. My Deliverer. My Salvation. My King. My Rock! My Friend. My Jesus. My Holy Spirit. My Comforter. My Alpha and Omega. My Presence with me. My Strong Right Hand. My Shelter beneath Your wings. You who rejoice over me with singing! My Confessor. My Forgiver. The One who washes my feet. The One who meets me at the well. The King and Judge who answers me, the persistent widow. The One who invites me to dine with You when I am up a tree! The One who knows when I've touched the hem of Your garment. The One who would raise me or my family from the dead. The One would would deliver me out of bondage from mighty Pharoahs, whoever they are in my life today, into a land of milk and honey. The One who forgives me over and over for complaining when I want to turn back and go back into slavery, into bondage. The One who is with me in the storms - yea calms them - tells them peace, be still. The One who is with me in the fiery furnace, who is with me when the waters come aflood but keeps them from overflowing. The One who suffered to the point of death on a cross undeservedly so i who am so deserving wouldn't have to. The One who shuts the mouths of lions to protect me. The One who keeps me from the evil one and arms me with the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit (the Word of God), the helmet of salvation, who shods my feet with the Gospel of peace so that i might extinquish all the flaming darts of the enemy just like that. The One who comforts me in my affliction and is with me on my sickbed. The One who promises to never leave me, nor forsake me. You are the One from whose Presence I can never flee- even if I make my bed in sheol - You are with me there. You are the One who is so acquainted with all my ways that Your thoughts towards me are too numerous to count! You are the One who says: come to me and buy without money!! You are the One who gives wisdom liberally without saying I told you so and You are the One with whom I can build my house and when the floods come and the rains and storms of life come (and they will and they have) You will make my house stand still.
You God are this One. You God are my One. I love you. You are mine. All mine. Praise You. All worship and honor and glory be Yours forever and ever and ever be Yours. Amen. Amen. Amen.
ps: whom have I in Heaven but Thee?
1 comment: THAT was a word from God to me this morning. I really needed to hear all those things...thank you.
And the answer to your question is : no one.
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