Tuesday, April 21, 2009

the L's

Jesus came to minister to the L's i heard a preacher say at a church i visited several months back when my husband was out of town. he didn't say the L's, i just heard him say the following list and i decided it was the L's.
the least
the lost
the little
the left out.

i've been adding to the list ever since when an L comes to mind. more came up even in writing this post.

the lonely
the looney 
the lazy
the un-lovely
the leper
the liar
the lawless
the lagging
the lame
the laden
the lowly
the lustful
the last
the loser

i'm sure this is not an exhaustive list.  you could think of more L's too. Jesus came to save the sick not the well. the sinner not the saint. the least of these not the greatest of these. i am among these L's and i am forever grateful to Him that i don't have to get up every morning and put on my face and pretend to be something i'm not for God and that helps me not pretend for others too (though i admit i'm better at the former than the latter). i'm just a conglomerate of L's that Jesus came to save. and i want to be the one leper of the ten that thanked Him for the healing he received.

ps: thanks to d for helping me add to the list of L's.


Hillcrest Cottage said...

How about 'Loser'
Google: Losers Club by Jeff Kinley (Zondervan).

catching some z's said...

excellent. i'll add loser right now! and google losers club by jeff, too. thanks.

Water for the Panting Deer said...

Hello! I have a Friendship Award for you on my blog!

