Friday, April 3, 2009


from good old wikipedia....

TGIF is an acronym for the phrase Thank (God/Goodness/Gosh) It’s Friday.


Starting in the United States, it has become a common expression of relief at the end of the work week and anticipation of relaxing or partying over the weekend. The term was originated by the Akron, Ohio disk jockey Jerry Healy on radio station WAKR in the early 1970s. The phrase was further popularised by the 1978 movie starring Donna SummerThank God It’s Friday. The phrase has also become common for advertising and promotional materials. On college campuses beginning in the 1970s, the phrase (sometimes shortened to "TG") became associated with Friday afternoon beer parties, usually held outdoors.

we won't be having a beer bash 'round here this weekend but we will be enjoying a wedding shower in our home of one of handsome husband's favorite friend's daughters!  congratulations allison and michael! we can't believe it's time for weddings and grandchildren, surely we're not old enough for these happenings. maybe our children have aged but we haven't, have we? don't answer that! anyway, TGIF whatever you do this beautiful spring weekend, wherever you live.

for the end of our work week:

colossians 3:23

whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord, rather than for men.

for the weekend:

1 corinithians 10:31

whether then you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

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