heard an hilarious bit at a missions conference a while back, told by Rev. Harry Reeder. his version was long and funnily told but my shorter version goes something like this: the doggie says "oh, thank you for feeding me, petting me, loving me. you must be god." the kitty says "oh, you feed me, scoop my poop and let me rub your leg when i want to. i must be god." then he made an excellent spiritual analogy, but i don't recall that at the moment and, anyway, it's irrelevant to the matter at hand.
yesterday, a new thot occurred to me re: the diff between pups and kits. now since there's nothing new under the sun (i like that verse so much, maybe i'll change the title of my blog), i'm not saying someone hasn't already figgered this out.
i have a few alcoholics in my life (it runs in my family) and also lots of codependents (it runs in my family). i'm one of the codependents, btw, but only by God's grace and the chemical makeup He gave me.
well, relating to my new baby kitty today made me think: dang it! she's just like the alcoholics in my life. i wanna love up on them. i want them to love up on me. but nooooo......it's all gotta be according to their agenda. us codependents are often accused of being controlling. no way! it's the alcoholics, i mean cats, that are the controllers of the world.
i asked VIVA, puleeeease take a nap with me. there she was just a nappin' and she was on the bed at least, she gave me that, but there was no way she'd snuggle up next to me like i begged for. (okay, i confess, i tried to control her. must make amends.) it's got to be her way or the highway (i love cliches, they just work). and when, in her sleepy state, i tried to gently pull her close to lay next to me (trying the subtle sneak and get my way like a good little codependent does), what came out? her claws and her little biting teeth. catch the analogy here? one cannot control/convince/cajole an alcoholic cat. i mean an alcoholic or a cat or make either do anything they dun wanna.
now if it was one of the two, sweet, wonderful codependent pups in our backyard, they'd say "oh yes, where do you want me to sleep? see, my tail is wagging, anyone for fetch? can we play fetch while we nap? i wanna make you SO happy. be glad to. i'm there. tell me when, where and how and i'll come thru for you." that's the codependency in them.
so there's cats and dogs. alcoholics and the codependents who love them with mutual driving the other crazy. i love 'em all. viva la difference!
those of you who know of which i speak - personalities of cats and dogs - and personalities of alcoholics and their codependent counterparts - can relate to what i'm saying. if you can't relate, no worries, the Lord has blessed you with a different type of angst!
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