here’s a list of phrases to use in your relationships when you are wanting to address these sorts of scenarios (mentioned in yesterday's blog). some of these scenarios are extreme, i hope you never encounter them. unfortunately, i have counseled those who have. some phrases are repetitious but it helps you - the boundary setter - to hear/read the same things said in different ways. it also helps the recipient of your boundary message to hear things said in different ways....HOW you say what you say makes a world of difference. work on being gentle in spirit, not sarcastic, but firm. boundaries aren't to be lorded over someone's head so-to-speak. use discretion. it bears repeating what i said y'day: i recommend all the books on boundaires by drs. cloud and townsend, there's a whole series.
- I know you love me, but what you’re saying doesn’t feel like love.
- I know you love me, but the questions you’re asking me don’t feel like love.
- Please don’t ask any more about that.
- I don't appreciate what you've just said. Please don't ever say that to me again.
- I'm not comfortable sharing that.
- You might be right.
- You might be right, but I don't want you to say that to me any more.
- I'm not comfortable going into that.
- My decision on that (whatever-it-is) is final.
- I don’t want to discuss it any further.
- I didn’t ask for your input. Right now I just want you to listen. That’s what’s helpful to me right now.
- No, please don’t go further into it. I’m not ready to hear your thoughts about that.
- No, please just stop.
- Okay, since you’re not stopping, I’m getting off the phone, leaving the room (depending upon your situation).
- What you just said hurts me. Please stop that line of talk.
- What you just said offends me. Please don’t say that again.
- It is not acceptable to call me names.
- I didn’t say you’re responsible for my feelings, I just asked you to not say that to me.
- The words you are using are unacceptable to me. If you don’t stop, I’m getting off the phone.
- If you don’t stop, I’m leaving the room.
- If I leave the room and you follow, I will lock my door.
- If I feel threatened by you, I will call the police.
- I don’t want to talk about it.
- Thank you for your concern.
- I wasn’t asking for feedback. I just want you to listen to me right now.
- You can do what you want to about that, I’m just telling you what I’m going to do.
- I love you. This is not about my not loving you. I’m trying to take care of myself.
- No.
- No is a complete sentence.
- Your behavior is unacceptable to me.
- Your words are unacceptable to me.
- That is unacceptable to me.
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