last year sometime (coulda been this year, it's been a long 2008), we received an envelope addressed to us in writing we did not recognize with no return address. included within: one 50 dollar bill.
i put that envelope in my prayer journal along with other precious things i stick in the back to savor and use for encouragement during my prayer time. i held on to it for the longest time. i turned it over and over. inspected it. smelled it. wondered about it. thanked God for it. i could not spend it. no way could i take it to the grocery store. or pay a bill with it. i wondered who had sent it. why had they sent it? what had i said that led them to do it? what had God said to them that led them to do it? whose writing was on the front of it? was it an angel unaware who'd done it?
many months later a need came up in another's life. i decided to bless because i'd been blessed. i asked my next-door neighbor to address an envelope so the writing wouldn't be recognized and put that same 50 dollar bill in a new envelope and mailed it. (i still have the original envelope in the back of my prayer journal.)
i have a draft blog entitled "you can't out give God" and i wanna write about that. this is similar but different. someone had blessed me with HOPE (Rom 15:13) when i received that envelope. not money. but HOPE. that the God of HOPE was going to take care of me. that the God who owns the cattle on 1000 hills (Psa 50:10) had and would continue to take care of me and mine.
and that's the HOPE i wanted to share with the friend i sent it to. if he/she went straight to the grocery store for bread and milk, then that's what was needed. none of my business. i just did what i was told to do.
BIG PS: if you sent me the money or you received the money from me, please DO NOT SPEAK A WORD OF IT. Shuuuuusssshhhhhhhhhh. let that be just between us and the Lord. praise Him!!
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