Wednesday, March 4, 2009

the third chapter

i love NPR.  i'm not a die hard fan where i listen at home, just when i'm in my car. i guess i started listening in the carpool lines years back and have continued. those were the days when i also listened to dr. laura (i still wish she was still reachable in little rock) and local talk radio. (one of my many dreams/fantasies since i am a chatty cathy counselor is to be a christian dr. laura btw - wouldn't that be fun!)

my fav NPR show is the diane rhem show. she's GREAT! it's where i first heard an inspirational interview with the writer of the book "seabiscuit" which was made into a wonderful movie if you've never seen it. the book was a fabulous read too.

anywho, i heard an interview recently with diane that was fascinating about another writer, sarah lawrence-lightfoot, and her recently released book (jan '09) "the third chapter: passion, risk and adventure in the 25 years after 50."  the writer is a 74 year old (?) sociologist and professor at harvard university who over a two year period did extensive interviews with 40 men and women and then told their stories in this book. there is discussion about our culture's messages about internal/external beauty and the messages we've got to learn to give ourselves about wrinkles, greying, aging and the positive shift she sees in our culture towards valuing growing older.

i read on-line that "the third chapter"

offers a strong counter point to the murky ambivalence that shrouds our clear view of people in their third chapters....(the) years between 50 and 75 may in fact be the most transformative and generative time in our lives.....

isn't that affirming? i want to check this book out from the library and dig in since i'm 52, an empty nester and am curious and excited about this next stage of life  - my third chapter if you will. 

add on to this blog: the comment from hillcrest cottage made me think of the very motivating passage in hebrews 12: 1-2: therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us [in the bible, friends around us today, and maybe even in this book "the third chapter" who knows?] let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us [in the next 25 years and beyond] fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God!

1 comment:

Hillcrest Cottage said...

I am turning 50 this year, and I have HUGE plans for this time of my life. It begins with surrounding myself with positive and inspirational people and messages.
You are like that! You are encouraging me to reach forward and sprint to the end! We can do great and exciting things...the BEST is yet to come...I just won't look as good doing them...ha.