Monday, March 9, 2009

writer's block

we just had another wonderful missions conference at our church, the 31st annual. the theme was the generosity of God. our main speaker was from arizona with food for the hungry and then as is typical with our format we heard several other missionaries speak throughout the conference.  on saturday morning there was a ladies breakfast and four missionary wives spoke, each sharing from her heart what God is doing in her life.  i was overwhelmed with all they shared and wouldn't know where to begin to encapsulate the beautiful love of God that came through.

maybe this is what writer's block is. tho it truly started at the end of last week. usually i have lots to say and have several blogs written waiting in the queue to be posted.  right now, nothing.  a few ideas but generally stalled.

humm.....i interrupt "catching some z's" to bring you writer's block.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Been there.....