Monday, March 30, 2009

z's snoozing

it's a monday, so i thought i'd keep it light today and tell you about the name catching some z's......i think i said way back in october '08 when i started my blog that i'd say more about the blog's name. it's pretty obvious by the title that i like to take naps. and z is an initial in my first name so i've used it to sign emails for years. what more can i say really? okay, the truth is: i can always say more!

as far back as i can remember, i've been a napper. it's a true gift from the Lord. it's sometimes been an escape and i have to be aware of this since with depression, escaping thru naps can actually make the depression worse. but the restorative nap is da bomb!!!

years back someone gave me a daily mary engelbreit calendar and i've saved this one page that sayz

thomas hood

if you know mary engelbreit's artwork, the illustration is the cutest and it has a little boy waking up in the am with the rooster crowing and the boy's just a stretchin'. a good nite's sleep is o so good and vital to our mental and physical health. but we're talking here about a nap. sometimes even lying down for a few minutes and taking a (viva) cat nap can be just what the doctor ordered but then on sundays i love, truly love, a two to three hour nap if i can get one!

God believes in REST too so i'm pretty sure if He endorses the sabbath rest and the eternal rest and resting in Him, then He's all for resting too while catching some z's.

catching some zzzzzzz's is a wonderful pursuit. enough said!

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