Monday, January 12, 2009

the decision envelope

don't know when he first begin doing it but sometimes when my husband makes a big decision, he writes it down, puts it in an envelope and lets it sit for a few days while the Lord confirms YES or NO as to the decision he's made. 

last week i couldn't sleep one nite.  my head was swirling with all these thoughts about a decision i was coming to after months of cogitating about something work-related.  finally i got up, went to the computer (thank you Lord for our computer) and wrote down what and how i thought God was leading regarding this decision. after two pages, i hit print, and put it in the decision envelope.  

like a bird sitting on an egg waiting for it to hatch, i just sat, metaphorically speaking, on the envelope and waited for the Lord to confirm, or not, the decision made.  in this case, i waited over the weekend. 

monday morning came. i opened the envelope, read the contents. my heart and the Lord's leading were still in agreement with the contents so it was "a go" -  "a YES."

one time my husband recalls that he pursued the God-affirmed decision in the envelope but over time and thru a series of circumstances God revealed His will did not match the contents of the envelope. this is not a "magic" envelope, it's just one way we've used over the years not be impulsive and emotional about discerning His will and God seems to have honored it.

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