Monday, January 19, 2009

this is a test of the emergency broadcast system

just kidding for those of you who remember that age-old test. but this is a test of a sort. 

the last time i posted seems forever ago. well, that day mr. blogger did a funny thing. i wish he was a person i could call and say "help!" when i had a question. i posted something on a monday, january 12 entitled "thursday's blog." that came out fine.

then on tuesday, jan 13, i posted "the decision envelope" and instead of the heading being tuesday, january 13, it came up monday, january 12 again. not only that, it then erased the heading of monday, jan 12's blog as if i'd written two posts on the monday. if i wasn't an ocd type, then this would be no big deal but alas, things like this bug me.

it's a bit confuzzing to follow what i'm saying happened or unimportant to anyone but moi. suffice it to say now i'm a bit skiddish about blogging. imma publish this and see what happens right now and see it it's still broken so-to-speak.


Sue said...

Are you aware of the "post options" line at the bottom of your original "writing box"? (Pardon my non-technical language!) It states as the time of posting the moment you begin writing your post. It gives you the option of changing that, though. That's the only thing I can think of--hope it helps.

Anonymous said...

thanks for your suggestion. i'll check it out! :)