Tuesday, February 24, 2009


someone asked me recently whether i could tell if they're reading my blog or not. like was there a list of addresses or something for those who've been on "catching some z's"......just wanted to letcha know i can't and there'z not!

there'z no record of who, what, when or where! my helper-in-all-things-computer (handsome husband) did put a counter on here that i have to go through gyrations to get to so i know how many people read my blog but it's completely anonymous and i have no idea WHO reads it (and rarely check the #s because of the gyrations).

just thot i'd letcha know.  usually if one person asks a questions, there's otherz who're wondering the same thing! 

btw, if you are reading, THANKS, it's fun for me to write and i enjoy knowing you're reading, even if only occasionally! :)

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