Sunday, November 9, 2008

my little bumble bee

han works at children's hospital and employees were encouraged to dress up for work last friday.  she dressed up as a bumble bee, complete with wings and antennae.  precious!

she said one little boy asked "what kind of bee are you?" she answered:  "a bumble bee."  he said "i thought you were a yellow jacket. i'm a serial killer." yikes!

i thot it hilarious when she sent me a link to the costume she bought. the link said : sexy-bee-adult-costume. she assured me she'd be wearing a black t on top and black pants on bottom instead of black fishnet stockings and 4 inch clear plastic shoes the website was recommending! we got many a hoot outta this.

here's a cute pic of her in her fun costume! isn't she just a beauty?



Sue said...

Very cute! ThirdSon threatened to go Trick or Treating with only a sign around his neck that said, "I'm America's Future." We teased him that that might be too frightening for anyone answering a door.

Anonymous said...

I love that bee!!

What a cute costume.