Monday, November 10, 2008

four posts in one day

i think i owe everyone an explanation. do you ever feel that way? i'm outgrowing this belief but it's still something deep within my being. 

so i thot i'd just esplain (like ricky ricardo would say) why i'm posting 4 blogs in 1 day and have many other drafts in the queue.

i'm unemployed!  been off work since august 6th but now in a fierce hunt to find "gainful employment."

you might say i'm gettin' while the gettin's good. or making hay while the sun shines or some other favorite cliche'.

cause when i do get that gainful employment, God-willing,  i might not have as much time to blog as i do now.

second reason to blog so much:  i'm supposed to be packing up our house to move in 3 weeks and i'd much rather blog than pack! :)

ps:  you've created a monster-of-sorts miss ellen! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you are blogging! I love it.